Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not all fun and games

Today started out pretty interesting. My poor horse was bit on the nose by a snake! I am sure he don't appreciate it a lot. His mouth is swelled open so the flies are having their way with him. I put him in tall weeds so he can maybe wipe them away.(Probably good place for more snakes) There is not a whole lot I can do for him. Antibiotics and fly spray. Poor baby. He is a site for sure. Never a dull moment. If it is not a kid it is a critter.


Rachel B said...

Poor baby... You should try to get a picture from the side to show off his open mouth a little more. I could see the blood marks where he was struck... So glad it was a critter and not a kid for this issue! They have a little better resistance to this sort of thing.

Meadowlark's Mind said...

Wow, I guess I am still just a city kid--very interesting. I hope everything works out for your horse.