Thursday, August 13, 2009

This week...

From Butterflies,to spiders,sunsets and Go Carts! But then...our parade for the county fair is tomarrow...anything could happen!(If we're lucky something will!)You will know if I post anything tomarrow! LOL!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I got a suprize in my garden this evening as I was passing. I couldn't hardly believe it had grown there without me seeing some sign of it!(not that my weeds were that tall, too!)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Today's My Birthday!

The "boys" got me a jar of marshmallow creme for my birthday. How appropriate is that? My favorite 2 food groups are marshmallow and chocolate!!!

I am now 27. 29 got to be boring so I changed it! Caleb brought me beautiful red gladiolas. And a card that has a dancing hamster on it and plays the hamster song. We'll see how it lasts before someone tears it up. Anyway... Yesterday was Damon's Birthday and have a few pics of him as well!