Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I love to take pics with my 35mm. Especially when they come out the way I want them to!

The airplane is my 9 year old
grandson,Damons' kite!
Today is the first day Larry has gone on "Corn Harvest." He will be in Texas for the duration. Today was also the first day I have done our chores by myself in a while. All I know is a couple of the calves need weaned!
I nurse the baby calves on goats. They do awesome that way! And the goats aren't so big I can't shove 'em around. I think if I had a cow it might be a little more difficult. I don't know. These days I think the goats are more economical. But for today..."All is well."

1 comment:

Rachel B said...

how funny, we both have flower pictures on the same date! If you click on mine, it will get really big and you can see every little water droplet on the petals!