From Butterflies,to spiders,sunsets and Go Carts! But then...our parade for the county fair is tomarrow...anything could happen!(If we're lucky something will!)You will know if I post anything tomarrow! LOL!!
I got a suprize in my garden this evening as I was passing. I couldn't hardly believe it had grown there without me seeing some sign of it!(not that my weeds were that tall, too!)
The "boys" got me a jar of marshmallow creme for my birthday. How appropriate is that? My favorite2 food groups are marshmallow and chocolate!!!
I am now 27. 29 got to be boring so I changed it! Caleb brought me beautiful red gladiolas. And a card that has a dancing hamster on it and plays the hamster song. We'll see how it lasts before someone tears it up. Anyway...Yesterday was Damon's Birthday and have a few pics of him as well!
I'm a Mother of 4 and a Grandmother of 4 boys and two girls. We live on a small farm with goats and LOTS OF chickens and cows, 3 big fat horses,lots of cats and 3 dogs.There seems to be never a dull day. We seem to live in this state of emergency all the time.Some days are slow and boy do I enjoy them!I raise (besides children) baby calves and sometimes an orphaned baby goat.
I have about 60 chickens. I decided they will be easier to wrestle than goats and calves. I'll leave that up to Larry! Besides...if you don't like a chicken it's a short trip to the the stewing pot! LOL!!!